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Large Pondless Waterfall

Starting Price


Project Duration

3 days

Minimum Space Requirement

25' x 10' area

About this Water Feature

A Pondless Waterfall is, without a doubt, the most beautiful and sought-after landscape water feature. If you have an open space or large hillside consider adding a Large Aquascape Pondless Waterfall to enjoy the soothing sounds of running water.

A waterfall can be soft and serene in the form of a babbling brook, or it can be more dramatic with a longer drop. The Large Pondless Waterfall is a great option for large outdoor spaces.

Waterfalls are extremely low maintenance, energy efficient, and attract a variety of wildlife. Children love exploring nature in and around the waterfall. Whether you add a waterfall to your front or backyard, be sure to locate it near a window so the melodious sounds can be enjoyed from inside your home, too!

A Pondless Waterfall is simply a re-circulating waterfall or stream without the presence of a pond. Pondless waterfalls work by pumping water contained in a large, in-ground reservoir up and through the Waterfall Spillway, allowing the water to flow back down into the reservoir. This simple recirculation system requires very little maintenance, is easy to install, and ideal for families with young children or pets that love to play in water.

Enjoy the beauty and soothing sounds of a pondless waterfall from any location in your yard. Tuck a small waterfall near the front entrance of your home to greet visitors, or delight in a longer waterfall in the backyard where you can incorporate interesting twists and turns.

You can easily add a pond to your waterfall later on, if you decide that you’d like to keep some fish and enjoy a larger variety of aquatic plants.

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